The Moorhens have had some young this week and so far they have survived the Gulls the parents get stroppy with anything coming close so here's hoping. The Grebe kept two chick and you cant very often see them as they ride on mums back they are a great team as the father brings fish for them and mum. Everything else is quiet the normal yobs have been about throwing the bench's in the lake

Friends of Queens Park Meeting
Monday 2nd July May 2012
The Games Pavilion, Queens Park
Sheila Blackburn Elaine Dodd
Howard Curran Sheila Curran Bronwyn Dean
Mike Worthington
Noted – Holidays and LAP meeting same date.
2.0 Previous Minutes
3.0 Matters arising
Following previous comments, new bins have been placed in the park. Also 2 or 3 benches were placed at the west side, but these were moved and/or trashed immediately.
4.0 Chairperson’s Report & Summary
(presented by Elaine Dodd as Derek Morgan delayed in traffic)
The Chair attended a Project update last week with various representatives from Cheshire East Council. Whilst we are all aware of the outstanding issues, which are frustrating for everyone, he was most pleased to see they were making great strides to finalise snagging works and move the project forward. We can only hope the second application for funding is favourably received by the Heritage Lottery. An initial submission has been made and the complete business plan is required by August time, so there is a lot of information to get together, complicated by what Heritage Lottery will fund and what has previously been allocated for funding at the last round.
To action works - The local authority now have what is called a Corporate Landlord. This Division is extremely supportive regarding the Park and has got a grip of making progress and sorting Contractors and Consultants information following the retirement of Allan Leah. There have been complications as there are design and workmanship anomalies and a large lump of contract monies are being withheld to ensure these issues get sorted.
It is intended to employ the services of a new Architect and QS to again assist in driving things forward. This will help the very small team immensely. Such a small staffing level is unknown with regard to such projects.
The Management Maintenance plan is finally almost signed off. The Heritage Lottery have made comment and provided further advice on this, so the final step is to get the council leaders to accept its contents. Whilst that might sound strange as written in-house by the new Project Officer, it does mean that resources will have to be committed on an on-going bases, to ensure the Park gets adequate budget provision.
Once again the only works happening at this time are all SNAGGING WORKS. The Charles Dick plaque has now been purchased and erected. His great Nephew visited from the South and is delighted about our efforts. He has left a great deal of historical information with Elaine about his great Uncle if anyone would like to call in and see it.
Other works have been repairs in response to vandalism. It is stressed that all Friends should help be the ears and eyes for the Park and dial the Police 101 line for any incidents seen... they will respond. There is a Police meeting with Elaine and all security partners tomorrow, 3rd July, to hopefully increase their attention to the Park. Needless to say there has been an on-going dialogue with the Police following recent anti-social behaviour and damage caused. The damage to the bridge is most serious as was one of the fires to a holly tree, which now has to be removed. Costings for various security options have been presented to the Director for consideration, including a bid of up to £30k for CCTV – We await with interest to see what happens with this; obviously it is required sooner rather than later. In the interim, additional security is being brought in at staggered times, both during opening hours and after closure. Again it will be interesting to see the outcome of this and whether or not it is effective.
Thank you to those who volunteered to do works around the Park, in particular the Bowling Club. Notices up re volunteers for bench painting are clearly displayed – thank you for that.
Do we have any volunteers please to conduct some Market Research? – this was put to the last meeting but only one or two volunteered –Sheila is still collecting names if you can assist.
Thank you to the volunteers who turned up and supported the Jubilee weekend – all of the activities happened through volunteers:
Lisa Prime, Daniel Prime and Roy Prince who kindly gave up their Bank holiday for the Park.
Thanks also to Howard & Sheila Curran for the Heritage Walks, he has now completed two.
Also, to Sheila Blackburn for clay Modelling and Painting day - again supported by volunteers. Thanks to Derek Morgan and Mo Grant for kindly giving up their time to help.
The schools ‘SEAL’ day happened with Ben Wye who did a fantastic job of co-ordinating everyone’s involvement. It was great to see so many young people enjoying the Park grounds. The Council’s Sports Development Team also did a fantastic job arranging activities. The Friends’ Secretary is to prepare a letter of thanks to them from us all.
A VOICE FOR LIONS....... This will be a talent show, presented by The Crewe & Nantwich Lions Association. Charity stand sand stalls are also to be invited along. The top prize will be an impressive £500! This event is particularly important as there will not be a Carnival this year, it will also support the annual visiting funfair. Derek will be looking for volunteers to assist over the weekend.
The remaining events programme is: ....
Sun 22 July Nantwich & District Band
Sun 29 July Break dancing / Street Dancing 2 x half hr spots. Plus, a recent addition – South Cheshire Pipe Band have kindly agreed to come along, at no charge!.
Sun 5th Aug Date available
Sun 12th Aug Punch & Judy by Ian Davies
Wed 22nd Aug PLAY DAY in Queens Park - Play Association
Sat & Sun 25th 26th A Voice for Lions - Talent Show & Events
Sat 3rd Nov C&N Lions Fireworks Grande Display
16th Dec Lantern Procession TBC
Plus, the Nordic Walking dates programme developed by Cheshire East Councils Sports Development.
Those present debated the main points of the Chair’s Report as follows:
? Fire damage to bridge: confirmed no CEC bridges insured
? Meeting with Police: how will they be investigating these criminal acts of arson
? CCTV: where cameras might be positioned to give maximum coverage and how evidence collected might be used
? Additional Security: Elaine has costed out various alternatives
? Local Councillors: Secretary to write personal letter of invitation to each of 12 local councillors to a Friends Committee meeting about Security and maintenance. Mike Worthington from The Pickle Jar noted that present systems are not working and that we need to look at alternatives – his suggestions included Social Enterprise to attract funds.
? Maintenance agreements: Howard Curran recalled how the old Crewe and Nantwich Council allocated funds for (eg) gardeners and noted that Cheshire East did away with all such agreements as soon as it was established.
? Mini-marquee training: on behalf of volunteers, Secretary asked for a training session one evening so that the marquees can be used at fund-raising events in a prominent position. It was agreed that she will contact those interested to arrange a suitable time and date.
? RSPCA: Secretary has e-mailed concerns about wildlife in the Park to the local RSPCA and forwarded replies to Elaine so that she can let them have a record of all incidents logged.
? Secretary to write to George Broughton asking about fence that has been erected on Burma Star island
Date of next meeting – We will announce this as normal and inform you all.