When is a wildlife group not a wildlife group? That is a good question as the Queens Park wildlife group doesnt in fact seem to be there for wildlife. The leader of the group was asked if she would be helping the birds of the park through the winter by providing nuts bird feeders etc its reported that on Face Book she replied that the birds can go and fly away and get food but the swans cant eat without me.
If its a proper wildlife group then it should be working for all wildlife from hedgehogs squirrels and all the birds in the park isnt it the point of a wildlife group to try and get as much wildlife in the park as possible by providing the right environment for them to flourish. Not to just concentrate on swans as that then makes them a swan group not a wildlife group and by using the wrong name and suggesting they are for all wildlife the may be obtaining money and support under false pretences.
The group has become controversial and many of the original group have left due to the aggressive nature of the leader and the fact despite being told by many people that feeding the swans by hand with a dog with you is putting them in danger as we witnessed this week when a dog off the lead went up to them and they thought it was food. Experts have said they will think a dog is friendly now and will learn to late that they kill lots of swans. The same is true of people as a lot of swans end up on the Xmas table and these are so simple to catch but the leader refuses to listen. She sees the swans as HER pets not as wildlife who need to learn to survive in the wild all wildlife hospitals etc keep human contact to the minimum for any sort of wildlife that will go back in the wild. The leader refuses to listen to even experts with years of experience and is putting them in danger.
There are a great deal of people who feed the wildlife in the park and have for years but these have now been split with a gang like culture of if your in my gang you dont speak to others. The Face book page is now a closed group so its activities can be done in secret and anyone disagreeing with the leader are quickly axed and her gang wont speak to them. Several people have complained about the leader aggressive nature telling them off for feeding the swans

The Mandarin has stayed around for a few weeks not sure if this is classed wildlife by the group or not

Above the park has a new gate as a car smashed through railings opposite Tipkinder how it managed to do that we dont know
Reporter J White
A ‘Bonfire and Firework Spectacular’ took place on Wednesday 5th November 2014 at Queens Park in Crewe. The event was organised by Crewe and Nantwich Lions Club https://www.facebook.com/CreweAndNantwichLionsClub . The fireworks were supplied and choreographed by Blitz Fireworks - http://www.blitzfireworks.com/ - of Crewe. The gates opened at 5pm, the bonfire was lit at 7pm and the fireworks started shortly after 8pm. There were also amusement rides and refreshments. The event was enjoyed by thousands of people. All funds raised are distributed by Crewe and Nantwich Lions Club into the local community to help local groups and charities.