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Monday, December 28, 2015

Last Update 2015


The paths south side are getting the final coat of tarmac. It was stated this would be open for Xmas but the gates are still locked


By the bandstand there has been lots of sandstone which was supposed to go under the bridge but a lot has now been removed and placed by the lake.


I assume they are using the sandstone to contain the mud they have used to bank up the borders. Its a lot of money to remove mud from site so its a good way of getting rid of it. I still think the water is still going to flow onto this path as its draining from above.


The path west side of the bridge is nearley finished and they have a layby set ot may be a bench is to be put there which will not go down well with fishermen and you wont want to sit there is their casting close by



The other side (east) is now done just the path from the gate to the bridge is taking a long time as they are trying to reduce the hill.


A few greylag geese are in the park this week


Monday, December 14, 2015

Copyright Violation

I have run this site for many years at my own expense and spent 1,000s of hours and a lot of money taking photos  of the restoration. It seems Facebook Groups like Crewe & Nantwich Past and Present
see fit to steal photos from this site to put on their page all material on my site is copyright. For most I own the copyright some that belongs to other is stated by the post ie reporter J White or others who have supplied photos they own for the benefit of others and a record for history of the park restoration. If you need photos they can be bought or used as a link with credits to the site with permission
No matter what time of the year there is always some bushes  in flower to be found in the park

More mushroom growing in the park most arnt safe to eat unless you know what your doing

 The Goosander have stayed in the park in large numbers again

Peacock butterfly in the park very late for them
Red wings with black markings and distinctive eyespots on tips of fore and hind wings.
The Peacock's spectacular pattern of eyespots, evolved to startle or confuse predators, make it one of the most easily recognized and best known species. It is from these wing markings that the butterfly gained its common name. Undersides of the wings are very dark and look like dead leaves. A fairly large butterfly and a strong flyer.
Although a familiar visitor to garden buddleias in late summer, the Peacock's strong flight and nomadic instincts lead it to range widely through the countryside, often finding its preferred habitats in the shelter of woodland clearings, rides, and edges.
The species is widespread and has continued to expand its range in northern parts of Britain and Ireland.

 The path from Morton rd is now curved round so you dont use the wooden planks to struggle down to the bridge

The path by the golf coarse is a mystery as they have now used all the mud to bank up the shrubs and put down a membrane under the stones they are putting down. IT will be interesting to see what its all about as the path is so low water is going to still drain from the golf coarse path and flood it unless there is a drain of some sort   

Dear All
I write to request your assistance please!

I am seeking to apply for funding for works which will complement the water-course  works already being progressed with regards to the Valley. 
The bid will address the issues re the paths, landscaping, rockeries, earth movements etc.

I am required to demonstrate a public need and desire to see this happen to support the funding application.

Therefore, can you please write to myself to request this project happens, indicate a desire to see the Coronation Valley returned to her former glory as part of completing the original aspirations of the restoration project and any other thoughts you may have.

Please let me know what value it is to your group, and the wider community if you can.  An early response would be appreciated as I need to hit the January deadline for the application.

Elaine Webster,
Parks & Recreation Manager
c/o  Pyms Lane, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 3PJ, Tel: 01270 686708

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Are the paths going to be safe?


At the bottom of the lake by the golf coarse they are still building the pyramid and its getting higher if they are then going to put the path on top its going to be high and a possibility of people falling off into the lake


Unless the paths are to get a top coat the quality of some of the paths leaves a lot to be desiredDSCF0783

How safe will the paths be as they have metal edges give it a while when they get broken and leave sharp edges and if you then fall it could be deadly


The bank by the bridge on the south side is now a mud bank



The goosanders have been out in force this week with lots of them on the lake. One of the problems of doing the paths is the effect on nature as it is there are puddles on paths which give birds etc  a source of water remove that and they have no were to drink as they cant drink from the lake. The wildlife group with all their money in the bank could put bird baths around the area to help wildlife?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Trees Cut Down Why?


A few weeks ago a lot of over 50 yrs. old trees were cut down the claim was it was for the new paths but now we see the paths haven't changed position and therefore there was no need to cut down healthy trees that had been close to the paths for years.


Another tree that was cut down close to the Monkey hut the path is now up to the hut


The path close to Tipkinder they are still digging it deeper


By the golf club they seem to be building a pyramid piling mud high its going to be interesting to see how they sort this out with all the water running off the path above


A few new wildlife this week with the Jays , buzzard and Goosanders

Monday, November 23, 2015

Paths are under Way


More deadly mushrooms in the park so keep an eye on your children and make sure they dont touch them


Still a lot of gates closed this week while they do the paths


By Tipkinder they are really digging deep for the path but they are getting very close to badgers den I wonder if they know its there?


From Tipkinder bridge up to the corner the path has been done so far




By the golf club they are making mud pies  this is going to be difficult as the path s so low that all the water from the bridge flows down so they need to drain the water away or it will be underwater again


Four swans on the lake today lets see if they stay

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Restoration or Destruction?



Lovely yellow tree this week but how long will these trees survive? The paths restoration started this week and people were shocked that all that's happens is lot of 50 year old healthy trees have been felled spoiling the design of the park


Above new perch for ducks or vandal's throwing seats into the lake?

Firework Night

Reporter Jonathan White, Wistaston.

A Bonfire and Firework Spectacular took place on Thursday 5th November 2015 at Queens Park in Crewe.

The event was organised by Crewe and Nantwich Lions Club .

The fireworks were supplied and choreographed by Blitz Fireworks - - of Crewe.

The park gates were opened at 5pm, the bonfire was lit at 7pm and the fireworks started shortly after 8pm.

The clouds parted just in time and the crowd were treated to a fifteen minute firework display based around Disney’s ‘Frozen’ movie culminating with the song Let It Go.

There were also amusement rides and refreshments. The event was enjoyed by thousands of people.

All funds raised are distributed by Crewe and Nantwich Lions Club into the local community to help local groups and charities.

Amusement ridesBonfireFireworks display (2)

Mass Sleeping Rough

A mass ‘sleeping rough’ event has taken place at Queens Park in Crewe from the evening of Thursday 12th November to the morning of Friday 13th November 2015.

Twenty people took part with representatives from the Children’s Society, Cheshire Police and Cheshire East Council including Social Workers, Youth Offending Team members and The Brooks Children's Centre staff members.

It is the second year running that the ‘sleep out’ has been held at Queens Park and twice as many people took part this year. Participants could bring a sleeping bag along with materials to build a shelter, such as a tarpaulin, string and cardboard.

The event is part of a calendar of events to recognise children’s rights during November Children’s Rights Month. This is an initiative of the Cheshire East Participation Network, a partnership of all agencies and services who work with children and young people, and is coordinated by The Children’s Society.

Amanda Greenwood, The Children's Society’s Cheshire Participation Services Coordinator, said, "This event will highlight every child's right to have a safe place to live and a safe home. We are trying to emphasise the stresses and difficulties of children and young people who have to sleep rough. All proceeds from this event will go to the BBC's Children In Need appeal."

For more information please visit:

Social Workers from Cheshire East build a shelter (2)Social Workers from Cheshire East build a shelter (3)

Monday, November 2, 2015

Queens Park Footpath Restoration Starts 9th November


The gardeners have cleared all the summer bedding and planted out the beds for spring


There is a massive amount of leaves in the park at this time of years and these should be used for compost as its a free resource


The plants there were put in the lake some our now in flower I thought it was funny watching the ducks as they covered all the plants with netting to stop them and what do the ducks do they swim under and get in anyway funny


A new sign has gone up by the sluice gates



Nature is confused by the warm weather for November and the hypericum is in full flower thinking its summer. The gardeners have saved a few pansies and planted them around the Gulf War memorial



Still lots of nice colours on the trees as they change for winter. The swans are still on the lake taking a heart pose DSCF0593

The aerator is now back on the lake after its been repaired and its actual on for once 


Queens Park Footpath Restoration:

Works Commence Monday 9th November 2015

20 week programme ( seems a long time to do a few paths but it is winter)

Principal Contractor is Ringway Jacobs

Supply Chain partner is Pronin Ltd

The southern entrance (Moreton Road) will be closed for the duration of the works long with the Southern routes of the park during the construction period, apart from a two week period over Christmas & New Year (Friday 18th December to 4th January 2016).

Installation consists of over 5000m of contemporary footway edgings.

10,000sqm of footway will be treated, this includes the creation of over 500m of new footpath to assist with access (DDA Compliant).

In addition isolated drainage repairs and some embankment stabilisation.   

The above allows for the treatment of the paths to the South of the Pavilion, with as much of the network completed within the existing confirmed budget.