I have run this site for many years at my own expense and spent 1,000s of hours and a lot of money taking photos of the restoration. It seems Facebook Groups like
Crewe & Nantwich Past and Present
see fit to steal photos from this site to put on their page all material on my site is copyright. For most I own the copyright some that belongs to other is stated by the post ie reporter J White or others who have supplied photos they own for the benefit of others and a record for history of the park restoration. If you need photos they can be bought or used as a link with credits to the site with permission
No matter what time of the year there is always some bushes in flower to be found in the park
More mushroom growing in the park most arnt safe to eat unless you know what your doing
The Goosander have stayed in the park in large numbers again
Peacock butterfly in the park very late for them
Red wings with black markings and distinctive eyespots on tips of fore and hind wings.
Peacock's spectacular pattern of eyespots, evolved to startle or
confuse predators, make it one of the most easily recognized and best
known species. It is from these wing markings that the butterfly gained
its common name. Undersides of the wings are very dark and look like
dead leaves. A fairly large butterfly and a strong flyer.
Although a familiar visitor to garden buddleias in late summer, the
Peacock's strong flight and nomadic instincts lead it to range widely
through the countryside, often finding its preferred habitats in the
shelter of woodland clearings, rides, and edges.
The species is widespread and has continued to expand its range in northern parts of Britain and Ireland.
The path from Morton rd is now curved round so you dont use the wooden planks to struggle down to the bridge
The path by the golf coarse is a mystery as they have now used all the mud to bank up the shrubs and put down a membrane under the stones they are putting down. IT will be interesting to see what its all about as the path is so low water is going to still drain from the golf coarse path and flood it unless there is a drain of some sort
Dear All
I write to request your assistance please!
am seeking to apply for funding for works which will complement the
water-course works already being progressed with regards to the
The bid will address the issues re the paths, landscaping, rockeries, earth movements etc.
I am required to demonstrate a public need and desire to see this happen to support the funding application.
can you please write to myself to request this project happens,
indicate a desire to see the Coronation Valley returned to her former
glory as part of completing the original aspirations of the restoration
project and any other thoughts you may have.
let me know what value it is to your group, and the wider community if
you can. An early response would be appreciated as I need to hit the
January deadline for the application.
Elaine Webster,
Parks & Recreation Manager
c/o Pyms Lane, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 3PJ, Tel: 01270 686708