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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Harlequin ladybirds invade the Queens park


Found a Holly bush covered in lady birds in the park one problem these are Harlequin ladybirds and have been declared the UK’s fastest invading species after reaching almost every corner of the country in just a decade.

The cannibalistic ladybirds were first realised to have reached the UK in 2004 when they were seen in Essex and have since spread as far afield as the tip of Cornwall and the Shetland Islands, making it the fastest alien invasion of the UK on record. Grey squirrels, American mink, ring-necked parakeets and muntjac deer are advancing at a rate far behind them.

Scientists monitoring the spread of the voracious harlequin, which will prey on native ladybirds, said the warnings when it first arrived that it would colonise the country rapidly and was the world’s “most invasive ladybird” have proved correct.

The species is believed to be responsible for the decline of at least seven native ladybirds, including the popular two-spot, which when last assessed in 2012 had slumped 44%. Dr Roy said that there has been no sign of a recovery among two-spots.




The vandals have been at it again with the seat by the  Gulf War memorial having names all over it




Greylag geese back at the park and Canada geese having a fly past



We have had the one swan on the lake after the father died but this week a signet has appeared looking very friendly with the other swan maybe he goes for older women


Some Autumn colours below  these change daily but a lovely site



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